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Medical Mission Trip to Balan, Haiti

Writer: Tony Di StefanoTony Di Stefano

Updated: May 26, 2021

"We have this hope as an anchor for our lives, safe and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain” Hebrews 6:19, HCSB.

As I reflected on the passage from Hebrews 6:19 at our resting quarters near Balan while enjoying a spectacular view of Cap Haitien after a busy day at the clinic, I began to envision hope for this city and its residents. After every mission trip I always ponder on the efforts and services that we provide as a medical team to the poor and needy of these villages. I would like to think that we are making a difference and providing this much needed hope that every adult and child from these poverty-stricken towns are looking for.

While staying at the hostel, I prayed at night for God to shed a light on the true meaning of hope and also to obtain confirmation that our work as a medical team was in line with God’s calling. As I assessed my patients, took vitals and triaged them I attempted to look for signs of hope in their facial and verbal expressions. It was at that moment that I realized the hope that I was seeking did not line up with our sovereign God’s definition of hope.

Hebrews 6:19 speaks of a hope that is based on truth and certainty, not worldly optimism or positive thinking. Hope that rests on a spirit of cheerfulness is worthless. To be legitimate in God’s eyes, hope must be anchored to our soul’s during the storms of life. Much like the ship’s anchor that prevents it from hitting rocks or reefs.

God’s confirmation of our work appeared at our clinic one day in the shape of a ten-year-old boy stricken with the Anthrax bacteria. The bacteria ravaged the right side of his face resulting in severe facial edema. After being seen and diagnosed by two of our doctors, his guardian was given antibiotics for her child and approached me to say “Merci de nous avoir donne de l’espoir” “Thanks for giving us hope.”

As they both walked out the door, I knew that God had answered my prayers and gave me a renewed hope in my walk with him during my time on earth. My vision of hope for Balan and its residents while driving to and from the clinic was forever altered.

After my Balan mission experience, I can honestly go into future missions with Brown Horse Projects knowing that our sovereign God will not only provide the necessities of music, art, water, and medicine; but also a good dose of Biblical hope to all those who need it. Thanks for all your love, support and prayers. Looking forward to leading future teams and being an ambassador of Hope to Haiti and the Dominican Republic.



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