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Hasta Luego Amigos!

Writer: Brown Horse ProjectsBrown Horse Projects

by Olivia Hively

On my first time going to the Dominican Republic in 2021 for a mission trip, our team arrived at Grace and Peace, the mission house that we stay at, and I was genuinely speechless. The pool at the house and the view of the city from the house is just breathtaking. And the food there has got to be the best food I've ever had. 

My second time going to the Dominican Republic for a mission trip was during the summer of 2024. This time, instead of building a widow’s house, we set up mobile medical and arts clinics throughout the surrounding villages of Barahona. And one thing that I really enjoyed was being outside the medical clinic in the village with the kids. Playing with them, painting, dancing, reading stories to them, and just teaching them about the gospel. Most of the kids that my mom or I would talk to knew of and about God, but they didn’t know Him. They didn’t have a personal relationship with Him.

I grew up going to church and hearing people around me talk about God, but just like the kids I met in the Dominican, I didn’t really know Him. I knew of Jesus, but I didn’t have a personal connection or relationship with Him. It wasn’t until I was 10 years old and I was worshiping in a college stadium at a Hillsong Concert in Nashville while on vacation with my family, that was when I really, really, really felt God’s presence. I could literally hear Him talking to me… and that's when I knew that I believed in a real, present God. I wanted and realized I could have a personal connection with Him. Now that I have that connection, I know that I don’t have to be worried so much and I know that God has a plan. If I feel alone, I know that I am not alone because God is with me. Emmanuel. Growing up can be scary and exciting for kids, but doing without the one person you can depend on always in life, God, is even harder! He will always be there for you no matter what. He is someone you can trust. He is someone you can always talk to. That is why it is important that we go and we share the good news about Jesus.

The feeling of being in the DR and seeing the villages and driving around in the back of the pickup truck to go to places really helps you realize that you should never take anything for granted. The people there are happy and don’t even have half of what most Americans do. They seem to enjoy every moment of every day, even though things may be difficult for them.  

Going to the DR is one thing that has really brought me closer to God and also helped me to get to know myself. I have only been there twice, but it will always hold a special place in my heart. I’m looking forward to going back! Hasta luego amigos!



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