On a recent day at the clinic Dr. Pierre asked staff to mention five things BHP does in their life….
BHP permit me have more experience on health. It permit me do more social. It permit me doing more searching for the education to the patients. Permit me resolve some economics problems. And make me have a New family. ~ Nickson. BHP make me see the importance of patience and perseverance. I'm understand better the Gospel. Make me know many areas in the village. Work with people who know God IS a blessing. I like more the Bible. ~ Handerly Since I'm work at BHP I make many progress. I got married. I help my family I do economy. BHP teach me to respect the clock. May God continue blessing the board and thé staff. ~Darline I'm very happy when I'm work at the clinic, cause I was so lonely, but when I'm at the clinic serving the patients I'm feel good. BHP help to respect the clock. With BHP now I can say I have a budget in my life. Thanks for the board who was thinking to put that clinic here to help people on health care even they have money or not. So proud to serve my people. I like my job. ~ Loudrine. BHP permit me to participate on Bible study 5 days a week. Permit to share some money with who don't work in my family. I'm feel inside a good family. I have more experience now in my area. ~ Jean. BHP make me more disciplined. Help me to collaborate with people the other mentalities. Help me more financially to keep feeding my family and help who are in necessity. Connect me more to the Lord. BHP IS all for me. ~ Roosevelt. BHP make me trust more in God. Know better my people in Balan. Remind me some practices. ~ Djina With BHP I fixed my house about lakes for years. And other works again on it. In the past when I was sick, I had to go far to see doctor, but I have my clinic to close. ~ Anne Marie BHP help to respect the clock. Help's me to the sense of responsibility with Heart. Help's me to collaborate with people around me. It allow me to become more patient. He taught me not to minimize any person as he could be. ~ Jenny
Thank you to all who help make opening the clinic doors possible day after day and to our dedicated staff. We love you and thank God for the privilege of working alongside you.